Rules for online examination (year 2022)

Students who are impeded from normal exam in presence may require online examination, but they must comply with the categories sèpecified in the new Rectoral decree starting from May 25, 2022:

In the section "Studiare in UniTo a.a. 2021-2022"

(English translation is provided here at the bottom of this page).


If you are eligible, PAY extreme ATTENTION to the following and be ready for the day of the exam:

The student must position himself in an isolated place and must be alone. Before the exam, the teacher will request identification: this requires being able to see the student clearly, as well as the personal identity document.

During the test, both written and oral, it is necessary to have a camera on that views the student not from the front, but from the side, including both the student and the computer screen used for the test. The connection to Webex must be continuous and the audio must be kept "on" for the duration of the test. Any interruption of more than 30 seconds of the audio or video will result in the cancellation of the test and therefore the need for full repetition.


Rules valid starting from May 25 (Translated from the link above)

The possibility of taking the remote exam is guaranteed to students who fall within one of the following conditions, self-certified in the booking phase of the exam:

1) residence outside the region (i.e. permanent address)

2) situation of fragility 

3) positivity to COVID-19

The online exam is granted according to one of the methods provided by the University, also having regard to the specific needs of students with disabilities and specific learning disabilities.

Last modified: Friday, 17 June 2022, 4:29 PM