Read the original articles that were at the basis of the
discovery of RGCs as neural stem progenitor cells, paying
particular attention to the experimental approaches used (in vivo? ex vivo? in
vitro?; tissue or dissociated cells?), compare them and think about the main
advantages and possible limits of each approach.
Write a short report (600 words max) summarizing your thoughts on this topic.
Malatesta, P., Hartfuss, E. and Götz, M. (2000). Isolation of radial glial
cells by fluorescent-activated cell sorting reveals a neuronal lineage. Development 127, 5253-5263.
Noctor, S. C., Flint, A. C., Weissman, T. A., Dammerman, R. S. and
Kriegstein, A. R. (2001). Neurons derived from radial glial cells establish
radial units in neocortex. Nature 409,
Miyata, T., Kawaguchi, A., Okano, H. and Ogawa, M. (2001). Asymmetric
inheritance of radial glial fibers by cortical neurons. Neuron 31, 727 741.
deadline for the submission May 4
deadline for the peer review May 8