Seminar "The Neurobiology of Social Behavior: from Static to Dynamic"by Olga Dal Monte

Seminar "The Neurobiology of Social Behavior: from Static to Dynamic"by Olga Dal Monte


How do we perceive and allocate attention to social stimuli such as emotional faces? How do we interact with others and dynamically update our behaviors during social interactions? I will first present studies both in human and non-human primates that collectively inform the neural mechanisms and neuropharmacology underlying social attention. Next, I will discuss two lines of research investingating the dynamic aspect of social interactions between pairs of non-human primates in order to explore the aspects of social decision-making and social interaction that are unique to real-life. Studying the dynamic dimensions of social behavior might prove critical for understanding the abnormal social behavior disrupted in many disorders marked by social deficits.

Last modified: Friday, 8 March 2019, 4:55 PM