Dear students,
only 6 out of 14 students uploaded the file related to task 1 - I know that some of you (two students) cannot upload because the system does not allow them to do it...I'm trying to understand why...For the other students, I don't know if there is the same problem.
Anyway, it's important that all submit the task because part of the task is to evaluate the work of your peers, so we need all maps on the platform before starting the second step.
I have extended again the submission deadline to 20:30 today. I invite all students that have technical problems in the upload to check first for the size of their file (maybe exceed the limits) and to contact me again if the problem persists so that we can try to work together to fix it - this is very important because we will have similar tasks in the next weeks and we need to be sure that the system works efficiently.
I thank you for your active collaboration.
All the Best,
Silvia De Marchis