Student Wiki on methodology
PLEASE: DO NOT change the INDEX page !!!
This page contains the links to the nine official subjects, which are the same in the Choice.
To contribute, go to the correct page by clicking on the description here in the index, then click EDIT and contribute. At the end, please save.
Please do not make extensive cut-and-paste: it s useless, anybody can go to the source you use and read it. Read the texts, digest, and make a short résumé. If you wih you can include link(s) to the source(s).
Other contributors can revise, add, erase, modify... Please do not repeat the same text as well.
Genome editing
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Subject list:
CRISPR functioning
Vectors and workflow for using CRISPR-Cas in cultured cells
Use for modifying genome sequence, as e.g for introducing indels or K.O.
Use for introducing gene cassettes or reporters