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Cohort 2016
Semester 2
Developmental Neurobiology (Neuro)
Conferences _ Events
Pint of Science - 2017
Pint of Science - 2017
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◄ Pint of Science
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News forum
Discussion about topics of the Course
Video introduction - Developmental Neurobiology (JOVE)
UNSW - embryology - neural system development
3D nervous system development - (mouse)
Allen Brain Atlas
Developmental Biology (textbook 6th edition online)yy
NEW!!!!! 3D transparent Human embryo Atlast
NEW!!!! Student's Presentation - @DBIOS aula B (9-12am) May 12
NEW!!! Genetics of Brain Disorders@MBC 29 May 2017
NEW!!!! Workshop Microscopia - 30 May 2017
Pint of Science
Lecture by Prof. Yoav Gothilf
ppt presentation Gothilf
Conferences: Settimana del Cervello
Brain awareness week_Dana Foundation
Summer school in Neural circuit development and Brain plasticity
Video_in utero electroporation in mice
In ovo electroporation of chicken embryos
An Introduction to the laboratory mouse
Mouse reproduction and development
Mouse care/maintenance
Drosophila melanogaster
Drosophila development and reproduction
Introduction to C. elegans as a model system_video
C. elegans reproduction and development
NEW!!! Introduction to zebrafish
NEW!!! laboratory of development and disease models in zebrafish
Orchestrating organoids - The Scientist
CED conference by M.Lancaster
Lancaster et al., Nature 2013
Large brains appear several times in the mammalian radiation: have a look to the picture!
Microscopy: choosing the right microscope_video
Confocal microscopy basics-video
Two-photon microscopy_basic
Light-sheet microscopy webinar
Light-sheet microscopy
3D-human embryo development - Belle et al., Cell 2017
Cellpapere-clip interview to Alain Chedotal on transparent human embryo
live imaging of mitosis in the developing mouse embryonic cortex _method
Time lapse protocol _ Noctor 2011
discussion focus group 1
discussion focus group 2
discussion focus group 3
discussion focus group 4
Editorial overview: Developmental neuroscience 2017
NEW!!! students presentation
Beyond proneural - by Canicatti AND Nicola
Adult neurogenesis and brain plasticity by Bozkurt, Mulè and Rossi
Neural circuits tuning and interneurons by Michelon and Zuccarini
Interplay between neurons and glia at the synapse by Ghibaudi and Stajano
Feedback on students presentations
Basic concepts - with audio commentary
Key-Notes: basic concepts in Developmental Biology
Notes on scientific articles
Harrison et al., Science 2017
Derivation of the neural tissue
Notch signalling pathway
Neural induction
Key-notes on Neural Induction
Video_Amphibian development_gastrulation
Video_Gastrulation_neurulation (Xenopus laevis)
Video_Spemann and Mangold experiment
BMP signaling pathway
Marchal et al., PNAS 2009
neural patterning_1
Wnt / β-Catenin Signaling Pathway
Lippmann et al., 2015
Neural patterning_2
Hedgehog Signaling Pathway
Building Brains: The Molecular Logic of Neural Circuits
Astrogliogenesis in the cerebellum
Masquarque et al., 2012
Grimaldi et al., 2009
Radial glia
Time-lapse video - RG
Noctor et al., 2004
video OB
Messina et al., 2016
Casoni et al., 2016
video 1
video 2
Cerebral cortex development_1
Cerebral cortex development_2
cerebral cortex neurogenesis
Harb et al., 2016
The Developing Cortical Neuron Transcriptome Resource - web site
NEW - Sizing up the brain gene by gene - by Christopher Walsh
Axon growth and regrowth
How axons grow
Rho-GTPases in neuronal development
article Zamboni et al., Sci Rep 2016
Adult neurogenesis
presentation on COUP-TFI and DG neurogenesis
Fred Gage talks about adult neural stem cells
Brain repair and regeneration
exam 13_07_2017
Lecture by Prof. Yoav Gothilf ►