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Cohort 2019
Semester 2
Forensic Genetics and Legal Medicine
NGS in forensics
NGS in forensics
NGS in forensics
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◄ NGS in forensics
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Introductory info
Introductory info
DNA polymorphisms in forensics
DNA polymorphisms in forensics
Supplementary material - DNA polymorphisms in forensics
Quiz - DNA polymorphisms in forensics
Standard typing techniques - Part I
Standard typing techniques - Part II
Standard typing techniques - Part I&II
Supplementary material - Standard typing techniques
Standard typing techniques
NGS in forensics
Bridge PCR & sequencing by synthesis video
Semi-conductor sequencing video
Supplementary material - NGS in forensics
NGS in forensics
Basic match interpretation (population genetics)
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium explained by the Amoeba Sisters
Basic match interpretation (population genetics)
Basic match interpretation (population genetics)
Basic match interpretation (Y-STR, mtDNA)
Basic match interpretation (Y-STR, mtDNA)
Supplementary material - Basic match interpretation (Y-STR, mtDNA)
Advanced match interpretation
Advanced match interpretation
Supplementary material - Advanced match interpretation
Basic match interpretation (Y-STR, mtDNA) + Advanced match interpretation
Kinship testing (standard paternity testing)
Kinship testing (standard paternity testing)
Kinship testing (standard paternity testing)
Beyond identification (intro and sex-typing)
Beyond identification (intro and sex-typing)
Workshop (software for forensic identification) part I
Workshop (software for forensic identification) pt II
Supplementary material - Workshop (software for forensic identification)
Exercises (software for forensic identification)
Solutions (Exercise 1 and 2)
Beyond identification (ancestry inference)
Beyond identification (ancestry inference)
Supplementary materials - Beyond identification (ancestry inference)
Beyond identification (ancestry inference)
Kinship testing (complex cases)
Kinship testing (complex cases)
Kinship testing (complex cases)
Kinship testing (complex cases)
Workshop (software for kinship testing) pt Ia
Workshop (software for kinship testing) pt Ib
Workshop (software for kinship testing) pt II
Supplementary material - Workshop (software for kinship testing)
Exercises (software for kinship testing)
Solutions (exercise 1 and 2)
Beyond identification (introduction to EVC markers selection)
Beyond identification (introduction to EVC markers selection)
Beyond identification (EVCs and age)
Beyond identification (EVCs and age)
Supplementary material - Beyond identification (introduction to EVC markers selection, EVCs, age)
Beyond identification (activity level)
Beyond identification (activity level)
Supplementary material - Beyond identification (activity level)
Beyond identification (sex-typing, EVCs, age, activity level)
Stain detection and body fluid identification
Stain detection and body fluid identification
Supplementary material - Stain detection and body fluid identification
DNA isolation and quantitation
DNA isolation and quantitation
Supplementary material - DNA isolation and quantitation
Stain detection and body fluid identification, DNA isolation and quantitation
Population genetics and ancestry inference software - PART 1
Population genetics and ancestry inference software - PART 2
Population genetics and ancestry inference software - PART 3
Files for the tutorial
Population genetics and ancestry inference software
Supplementary Materials - Population genetics and ancestry inference software
Exercises - Population genetics and ancestry inference software
Forensic pathology - Intro
Forensic pathology - Thanatology
Forensic pathology - Traumatology I
Forensic pathology - Traumatology II + Burns
Forensic pathology - Sharp-force injuries and gunshot wounds
Forensic pathology - Asphyxia
Forensic pathology
Supplementary material - Forensic pathology
Supplementary material - Forensic pathology
Supplementary material - Forensic pathology
Forensic pathology
Workshop (forensic genetic genealogy)
Workshop (forensic genetic genealogy)
Supplementary material - forensic genetic genealogy
Webinar - forensic genetic genealogy (Verogen)
Introductory message
The role of the public prosecutor
The role of the public prosecutor
English translation of the presentation "The role of the public prosecutor"
The role of Police forensic units and the Italian criminal DNA database - Part I
The role of Police forensic units and the Italian criminal DNA database - Part II
The role of Police forensic units and the Italian criminal DNA database - Part III
The role of Police forensic units and the Italian criminal DNA database
English translation of presentation " The role of Police forensic units and the Italian criminal DNA database"
Supplementary material - Crime scene investigation and the Italian criminal DNA database
WRITTEN TEST 26.6.2020
WRITTEN TEST 20.7.2020
WRITTEN TEST 29.9.2020
WRITTEN TEST 13.11.2020
WRITTEN TEST 28.1.2021
Bridge PCR & sequencing by synthesis video ►