
Agenda Chapter 4

Agenda Chapter 4

by Michele De Bortoli -
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Wednesday, April 10 we will discuss some additional aspects of transcriptome and then concentrate on AS, focus on cis elements controlling constitutive and alternative splicing.  

Thursday 11 (note the change: 11-13) we will examine the TRans-regulatory factors of AS and some proposed mechanisms of regulation. We will then also examine some additional aspects of RNA metabolism such as transport, localization and stability. 

Monday the 15th we will finally discuss RNA interference and some critical aspects of miRNA biology. 

Wednesday the 17th a Lesson-Seminar by Lucia Coscujuela-Tarrero will disclose the unexpected biology of circular RNAs with insight in their control, which is reminiscent of a mechanism proposed also for linear alternative exons and links to epigenetics.

Please remember that all the choices for your Reports should close next Wednesday, in order to allow you a couple of weeks to study and prepare your report to the best.