
Research assays topics for Neurophysiology

Research assays topics for Neurophysiology

by Alessandra Fiorio Pla -
Number of replies: 0

Here are the topics. Choose your topic and send me the list by November 2nd. 2-3 students per group are required. few exceptions of one student will be permitted. Feel free to propose other topics 

1.     Second messengers in the central control of reproduction

You can refer to papers from two main groups

-       Herbison A

-       Prevot V and Giacobini P


2.     TRP channels in sensory perception in Drosophyla

You can refer to the papers from the group of Montell


3.     Control of Sleep to wake transition and interplay with central circuits

You can refer to the papers by deLecea and concentrate on Hypocretin


4.     TRP channels control of thermosensation

You can refer to the papers from Voets T

incontro il 20.11.17 alle 16