Integrative activity (for non-Biomedical curricula)

Opened: Friday, 21 December 2018, 12:00 AM
Due: Saturday, 28 December 2019, 12:00 AM

Dear Students (non-Biomedical curriculum only),

as an integrative activity to my Medical Genetics course I would ask you to prepare a PPT presentation based on one of the attached Review papers around the theme:
'DNA damage repair and human genetic diseases'.

The activity will be a critical assessment of the current literature.

You are kindly asked to contact me by email for the specific review assignment, prepare the presentation and send it to me before the chosen exam session for this course (you will not be asked to make any oral presentation).

The grading will be a Pass/Fail evaluation. To be able to take the Medical Genetics exam a Pass assessment is needed.

Thank you for your attention.

Claudia Giachino