# phosphate esters in in PVC plasticizers, lubrificant, machinery component, biomaterial library(nortest) setwd("/Users/fcordero/Documents/Didattica/BioinformaticsForBio/Esercitazioni") OPECompounds= read.table(file="OPECompounds", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1) SamplesFeatures= read.table(file="SamplesFeatures", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1) #sort the rows SamplesFeaturesSort = SamplesFeatures[(rownames(OPECompounds)),] #visualization heatmap(as.matrix(OPECompounds)) #test data distribution testnorm <- function(x) ad.test(x) lapply(OPECompounds[1:17], testnorm) testnorm <- function(x){ res=ad.test(x) which(res$p.value<0.005) } lapply(OPECompounds[1:17], testnorm) #visualization of the data boxplot(OPECompounds[,1:17], main = "OPE compounds", at = c(1:17), names = colnames(OPECompounds),las = 2,col = c("orange","green", "blue","red"))