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Past Cohorts
Cohort 2019
Semester 1
Cellular Neurobiology (Neuro)
TOPIC 3 - Neurons: neuronal diversity, subcellular...
Neuronal diversity
Neuronal diversity
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Neuronal diversity.pdf
link to view the file.
◄ Article search activity - Deadline November 21st midnight
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Cell Neurobio class photo 1
Cell Neurobio class photo 2
Yoav Gothilf lab web page
1. Circadian clock introduction
2. The pineal gland
3. Zebrafish circadan clock research
4. Regulation of food consumption
4bis. Leptin-MSH-AgRP
5. The zebrafish AgRP system
6. Zebrafish as a model system
Introduction 2019-20
Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Student seminars 2019-20
Choroid plexus & CSF-Barrier; Ependymal cells & Tanycytes
Live imaging of the ependymal cilia in the lateral ventricles
Blood-Brain Barrier
Short review of Blood-Brain Barrier
Setting-up an In Vitro Model of Rat Blood-Brain Barrier
Article search activity - Deadline November 7th midnight
Glial cells - history, classification, developmental origins
Making cultures of astrocytes for in vitro studies
A protocol to assess synaptic pruning by microglial cells
Myelinating cells
Article search activity - Deadline November 21st midnight
The history and importance of neuroanatomical studies
Staining Techniques of neural tissue
Principles and applications of Fluorence Microscopy
Cellular Taxonomy of the mouse visual cortex on the Allen Brain Atlas
The subcellular neuron -1
The subcellular neuron - 2
Article search activity - Deadline December 5th midnight
The synapse I - basics - synaptic adhesion molecules
The synapse II - the presynaptic terminal
The synapse III - neurotransmitters
The synapse IV - Receptors
The synapse V - The excitatory postsynaptic terminal
Article search activity - Deadline December 27th midnight
Calendar of presentations
Topic 1 selected articles
Topic 2 selected articles
Topic 3 selected articles
Topic 4 selected articles
Slides of student seminars: please upload here your presentation
Cell Neurobio 2019-20 exam example
The history and importance of neuroanatomical studies ►