Reports-Session 5, May 9, 9-11 am

Site: Cell Molecular Biology
Course: Advanced Molecular Biology 2017-2018
Book: Reports-Session 5, May 9, 9-11 am
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 9:35 AM



Table of contents

1. Students' Reports

Samuele Irudal,
Daniele Garelli
hanges in the expression of splicing factor transcripts and variations in alternative splicing are associated with lifespan in mice and humans

Francesca Luca,
Elena Richiardone
Changes at the nuclear lamina alter binding of pioneer factor Foxa2 in aged liver
Deborah Gaglioti, Francesca Manocchio
Intragenic Enhancers Attenuate Host Gene Expression

Alessia Santacroce,
Stacy Khamuru Kiprop
Genome-Nuclear Lamina Interactions Regulate Cardiac Stem Cell Lineage Restriction